

It invests the real estate ..you... How do you do when thinking about the purchase of real estate and the buying and selling?
I think that the one with various one that wants to be examined beforehand goes out.
However, aren't it the prices that wanting know most?
Especially, should not I know the market price at the people? how the circumference becomes it
It is one method to investigate "Market trend of the real estate".
It knew neither the market price price nor the trend though the real estate was found in a lot of efforts.
Then, it might be a reason (The loss of the future is received) that fails in the real estate investment of the mistake when disposing as a result.
On the contrary, I seem to have the match to it by knowing the market trend, and my finding an advantageous real estate in the future very much.
By the way, it is necessary to examine the market trend of the real estate.
There is a region, and it is in each article even if I say the market trend of the real estate in the word movement.
For instance, even if I buy the apartment house, the price tendency is different in the one room and 2LDK.
You should look for data that deals with your purpose. Comment (0) Toraba (0) Real estate investmentIt is a real estate lease or purchase or the 2. "Maintenance of asset value"
To maintain the asset value of the residence ground that becomes an important property, the goodness of management and no goodness greatly influence though it is already an old-fashioned word that says, "The apartment house can buy management".
The apartment house life is symbiosis in one building differing from detached life.
Two or more owners share the elevator and bicycle-parking space, and the cleaning business and the repair check business, etc. exist, too.
A comfortable livability of the apartment house is maintained, and the periodic check and the long-term repair plan, etc. are necessary to maintain the asset value.
Therefore, after the apartment house is bought, the administrative and maintenance expense is generated.
1.Do you say the maintenance fee?
It is an expense account to maintain money and the apartment house that the owner supplies to the management union in the condominium every month.
It is allotted to the expenditures of the management fee and the management cost, etc. that become the utility bill of water service, the cleaning expense in the common part, and the regular check cost such as elevators, and are paid to the management company.
2.What is the mending reserve fund?
Money that is collected from owner to execute the plan planning regular mending so that management union may maintain and maintain apartment house for a long term every month and saved.
All apartment house owners save money of the provision to a large-scale mending in the future.
These cannot make it lack in the control of maintenance of the asset value of the apartment house.
Such a running cost is generated in the apartment house purchase besides the payment of the loan.
It be likely be not possible to consider neither the maintenance fee nor the mending reserve fund enough because it adds to the loan payment that should do Totono to the lease income when the apartment house is bought to invest the actual thing real estate and to do.
There is hope by the selection of the residence ground while demanding the comfort in the woman difficultly of the ascertainment of the future.
Lease, purchase, and real estate investment ···The idea to the real estate is an age of the diversification in the woman.
If it begins to count the place said, "Eternal proposition", the advantage in the lease and purchase, and disadvantages, whether you rent the house for a long time or it buys it is not a limit. Comment (0) Toraba (0) Real estate leaseIs it a real estate lease or purchase?If it begins to count the place said, "Eternal proposition", the advantage in the lease and purchase, and disadvantages, whether it borrows the real estate for a long time or it buys it is not a limit.
Generally, it is thoughtless that can be moved according to the lifestyle and feelings if it is said the advantage of the lease.
Lightness without long loan that it is several ten years.
Moreover, the chance that can be done by moving to a wider place even in the same rent has extended.
The disadvantage is reversely sold in lots ..that.. and equipment falls behind compared with.
The dwelling securing in the future that never remains can give uneasiness etc. by making it to the property even if it says, and the rent is paid for a long time.
The mental stability called at old age live and secure of my whereabouts should be able to be obtained about the advantage of purchase.
Dwelling expense the result future can be fixed at low interest by can unite the loan of the long-term fix.
It must be difficult for the disadvantage to cost the tax and the running cost such as mending and to correspond to the lifestyle modification.
It can be given not to move readily even if Ot in worsening of the ambient surrounding and the upstairs is anxious.

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